What to Eat After Teeth Whitening - The Top 5 Foods

What to Eat After Teeth Whitening - The Top 5 Foods - Bliss Oral Care

Ah, the thrill of getting your teeth whitened! Just like renovating a house, we often want to preserve that pristine new look. So, how does teeth whitening work, and what to eat after teeth whitening treatment?

How Does the Process of Teeth Whitening Work?

Teeth whitening works by using certain chemicals, usually hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, to break down stains into smaller pieces. This makes the colour less concentrated and your teeth brighter.

The process targets the dentin layer beneath the tooth enamel. Now, imagine this layer as a freshly painted white wall. Any dark pigment, like a splash of red wine or soy sauce, would stand out instantly, right? That's precisely what happens after a teeth whitening procedure.

Innovative Teeth Whitening Solutions

Dissolving Teeth Whitening Strips

  • Dissolving teeth whitening strips represent a convenient approach to teeth whitening. Each strip is designed to dissolve, eliminating the need for removal. This feature makes them ideal for use during various activities, like commuting or exercising. Formulated by dental professionals in the UK, these strips have been clinically proven to whiten teeth safely without damaging the enamel. They are particularly useful for quick touch-ups and maintaining a consistently bright smile. For enhanced results, it's recommended to use them in combination with a specialised whitening toothpaste.

Leave-in Teeth Whitening Strips

  • The leave-in whitening strips contain a 6% hydrogen peroxide formulation, striking a balance between efficacy and enamel safety. They adhere to the teeth and are left in place, making them effective against stubborn stains. The non-slip design ensures they stay put during the treatment period. To maximise the whitening effect, using these in conjunction with a whitening toothpaste is advisable.

Sonic Whitening Toothbrush

  • Sonic whitening toothbrush employs advanced sonic technology, vibrating at 40,000 strokes per minute to ensure deep cleaning. Its unique bristle movement and oval-shaped head design are engineered to reach every part of the teeth, aiding in the removal of plaque and surface stains. This toothbrush not only cleans effectively but also helps in maintaining the results of teeth whitening treatments. Its various modes, including a whitening mode, cater to different cleaning needs, and its long-lasting battery makes it highly practical for regular use.

Whitening Primer Toothpaste

  • Regular fluoride toothpaste can sometimes counteract the effects of whitening products. This fluoride-free Whitening Primer Toothpaste is specifically designed to complement teeth whitening strips. Developed by dentists, it uses micro polishers to prepare the teeth for whitening, enhancing the effectiveness of whitening strips. Additionally, it offers relief for tooth sensitivity and protects tooth enamel, making it an integral part of a comprehensive teeth whitening regimen.

Why Do You Need to Be Mindful of What You Eat After Teeth Whitening Treatment?

Having a teeth whitening treatment isn't just about achieving that brighter smile. It's also about maintaining it. Freshly whitened teeth can be porous and more susceptible to staining. It's a bit like a sponge, ready to soak up any dark colours. This is especially the case for the first 48 hours post-procedure, which can be crucial for optimal dental health and maintaining that whiter smile.

What Not to Eat After Teeth Whitening Treatment?

Before diving into the good stuff, let's address the no-no's. You'll want to avoid brightly coloured foods, carbonated drinks, and artificial dyes. Items like dark fruits (think berries), red wine, green tea, tomato sauce, and even certain dressings like balsamic can stain teeth. Even drinking coffee and certain fruit juices, like apple juice, can interfere with your freshly whitened teeth.

Good Food to Eat After Teeth Whitening Procedure

Fish, Chicken, & Tofu

Opt for lighter proteins. White fish is a fantastic option. But avoid darker fish or heavily seasoned varieties. Chicken and tofu, when cooked without dark sauces, are also safe bets. They not only promote a balanced diet but also ensure your teeth remain unstained.

Rice, Bread, & Pasta

Rice, Bread, & Pasta

Carbs are a go! Stick with white bread and pasta, especially those without green pesto or tomato sauce. Remember, after a professional teeth whitening treatment, it's the sauces that often pose the risk more than the main ingredient.

Cheese & Yogurt

Cheese lovers, rejoice! White cheese sticks, cream cheese, and plain yoghurt can be your best friends during this post-whitening phase. Not only are they teeth-friendly foods, but they also offer many health benefits.

Fresh Fruits & Vegetables

Choose light-coloured fruits and veggies like cauliflower, white potatoes (skip the sweet potatoes), and egg whites. But, if it can stain your white shirt, it can stain your teeth. So, think before you munch!


A no-brainer, but water is your best ally. It not only keeps you hydrated but helps in rinsing away potential staining agents. Plus, it's a great habit for good oral hygiene.

Recommended Food Options Post-teeth Whitening


  • Egg whites scrambled with a sprinkle of white cheese.
  • A slice of white bread with cream cheese.
  • A glass of water or milk.


  • Grilled white fish or chicken with a side of white rice.
  • Cauliflower salad with creamy white sauces.
  • Plain yoghurt for dessert.


  • Tofu stir fry with light coloured veggies.
  • Pasta with a light cream sauce (skip the tomato or green pesto).
  • A serving of white yoghurt.


  • White cheese sticks.
  • Cucumber slices.
  • A handful of healthy fruits like bananas.
  • Good liquid to drink after teeth whitening
  • Stick to water, milk, or white wine. Avoid soft drinks, green tea, and carbonated drinks.

Other Ways to Protect Your Whitened Teeth

Beyond dietary choices, remember to maintain good oral hygiene habits. Consider regular dental check-ups, avoid cold foods if sensitivity occurs, and always seek professional advice tailored to your needs to maintain a good oral health.

Lastly, a whiter smile doesn't just enhance your beauty. It boosts your confidence, radiates positivity, and can even inspire good oral practices. After all, who wouldn't want to maintain that bright smile? The journey of teeth whitening treatments is an investment. Like any worthy investment, it deserves care, attention, and sometimes, a little sacrifice (looking at you, coffee lovers!). But the results? Absolutely worth it! Would you risk it for that fleeting taste or drink?


Teeth whitening is more than just a cosmetic enhancement; it's an investment in your smile and confidence. While the initial results are striking, maintaining that dazzling effect requires consistent care.

Post-procedure, dietary adjustments play a crucial role. Remember, in the 48 hours following your treatment, it's essential to choose light-coloured foods and drinks and steer clear of substances that can stain your teeth. Alongside this, regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene practices are key to keeping your smile bright.

If you're committed to achieving and maintaining that brighter smile, why not explore the Ultimate Whitening Kit at Bliss Oral Care? We offer more than just products; we provide a pathway to a brighter, more confident smile. With our range of teeth whitening kits, teeth whitening strips, and specially formulated teeth whitening primer toothpaste, your journey to pearly whites is well supported.

Your best smile awaits. Visit Bliss Oral Care, your trusted online source for premium whitening products, and take the next step towards a gleaming smile today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are the first 48 hours after teeth whitening crucial?

The initial two days post-whitening are vital because freshly treated teeth are more porous and, thus, more susceptible to staining.

Can I drink coffee after my teeth whitening treatment?

It's advisable to avoid coffee immediately after the procedure, as it can stain the freshly whitened teeth. If you must, consider drinking through a straw to reduce contact with the teeth.

Are there any cheeses I should avoid post-treatment?

Stick to white cheeses like mozzarella or feta. Avoid coloured or seasoned varieties that might contain elements that can stain the teeth.

Is it safe to consume fruits after teeth whitening?

Yes, but opt for light-coloured fruits like bananas. Avoid berries or other dark-hued fruits that can potentially stain teeth.

How can I ensure long-lasting whitening results?

Apart from dietary considerations, maintaining good oral hygiene, avoiding known staining agents, and regular dental check-ups will help prolong the effects of the whitening treatment.