What to Eat After Whitening Teeth - A Guide for First Timers

What to Eat After Whitening Teeth - A Guide for First Timers-Bliss Oral Care


Numerous research and observations have demonstrated that the foods and drinks we consume can have a huge impact on the overall shade of our teeth. However, eating after teeth whitening can be much more tricky as the effectiveness of the teeth whitening treatment on your teeth can be greatly impacted by the food you eat afterwards.

Therefore, carefully picking the right foods to consume after teeth whitening is crucial as your teeth are even more susceptible to staining/yellowing after the whitening procedure. People can go for a year or more without needing a touch-up or another whitening therapy if they stay away from foods and drinks that can readily discolour or stain their teeth.

Various medical professionals and dentists have also advised using a variety of teeth-whitening treatments, such as whitening toothpaste, whitening gels & teeth whitening strips to maintain the glow of your smile over time.

Since you spend money, time, and effort on teeth whitening procedures, you want to reap its benefits for as long as possible. 

However, the key question here is, "What post teeth whitening diet should look like?" In this blog, we will review everything you need to know about what food you should and should not consume after your teeth whitening treatment.


Important terms to know before moving further

  • Enamel - The hardest and strongest top layer of your teeth is known as Enamel. Its main role is to keep the sensitive nerves (inside part of the teeth) protected from the hot, cold and acidic food we consume. 

  • Dentin - The part of teeth beneath Enamel is known as Dentin. It connects the tooth from crown to root that gets connected to the nerves. It keeps the whole tooth connected while protecting Enamel from fracturing. Due to its high susceptibility to bacteria and decay, dentin also requires enamel and gum protection. The layer of dentin becomes visible if your enamel wears away or your gums recede, explaining why some foods, drinks, and temperatures cause pain and sensitivity in some people.


    What stains your teeth? 

    What stains your teeth

    Acids, tannins, and chromogens (found in many common foods) are the main elements that cause teeth staining. 

    Your teeth's enamel (the thin outer covering of a tooth) enlarges during the whitening process and becomes porous, allowing for better whitening. It's a crucial part of the process for the hydrogen peroxide to expel staining. However, it makes your teeth more vulnerable to meals that may stain them directly afterwards. Because of porous teeth, they can readily absorb the colours from the food you eat.

    It is, therefore, crucial to avoid bright or dark coloured and acidic foods to prevent staining.


    The teeth whitening diet

    Let's look at the list of foods below to discover what you should avoid and what you can eat. 


    What you should avoid - 

  • Tobacco - Tobacco use is one of the quickest ways to stain or re-stain your teeth, in addition to being harmful to oral and overall body health. Quitting smoking and chewing tobacco is advised not only for health reasons but also to keep your teeth brightening white. By quitting smoking and eating tobacco, you can not only keep your teeth whiter for longer, but you can also avoid many of the health problems that come with it.

  • Sweets and chocolates - The majority of sweets and chocolates are dark in colour and contain large amounts of sugar, both of these increase the danger of teeth discoloration and can cause long term damage to tooth enamel if regular brushing is not performed.

  • Curry - Just imagine what curry will do to your teeth if you've ever seen how it stains your pots and pans. To be safe, it would always be a great idea to stay away from such foods after the whitening procedure. 

  • Dark fruits - After the whitening procedure, it is always recommended by the dental experts to keep yourself away from dark colored foods as they may cause stain and reduce the effectiveness of whitening treatment.

  • Dark condiments - Foods like soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, tomato sauce, etc carry risks due to their dark colour and acidic nature.

  • Fruit juices - Fruit juices should be avoided at all costs after teeth whitening - they are highly acidic or dark in colour. 

  • Fizzy drinks - After teeth whitening, soda and other carbonated beverages must be avoided at all times because their colour, acidity, and high sugar content all of which could seriously harm newly whitened teeth.

  • Wine - Red wine is a definite no-no. It is acidic and dark colored, making it a bad idea to drink straight after newly whitening your teeth. White wine is safer as it is free from colours but its acidic nature again makes it harmful for teeth as acid weakens the enamel and makes your teeth vulnerable to staining.  

    What you should avoid
  • Tea / Coffee - If you are a coffee/tea lover like others, try to avoid it as much as possible. Colored beverages can cause a stain on your teeth. But if it is hard to avoid morning coffee or tea, drink it through a straw to minimise tooth contact or rinse your mouth with water afterwards. Also, adding more milk to tea and coffee reduces the risk of staining. 

    What you can have - 

  • Porridge - You can worry free add Porridge and milk to your daily routine. Also, as sugar is not recommended, you can add sweeteners to make your breakfast healthy and tasty without causing any damage to your white teeth. 

  • Yoghurt - Yoghurt would also be a great addition to your diet. Do make sure that the yoghurt you consume is white, as colored yoghurt may cause teeth discolouration and staining.

    What you can have
  • Bananas - It is a great snack and has very little risk of teeth discoloration. 

  • White bread - Bread is safe to consume if you are on a white diet. On the safer side, you should ideally remove the crust.

  • Potatoes - Eating simple white coloured potatoes and mash potatoes is absolutely fine.

  • Egg whites - Eating egg white would also be one of the best white diet options to add in your daily diet. Unfortunately, egg yolks, due to their yellow pigmentation, are not recommended after whitening. 

  • White cheese - White cheese is another snack you can have after getting your teeth whitened. In reality, cheese consumption has positive dental effects. Dairy products, which contain calcium, help to treat dental conditions like gum disease.

  • Pasta - Pasta is another great option to eat after a teeth whitening procedure. However, one should make sure to exclude sauces from the pasta. 

  • Rice - In the hours following your teeth whitening, eating foods like white rice would be a fantastic choice.

  • Fish - Fish would also be a great addition to your white diet. Make sure to avoid colored fish and consume fish like albacore. 

  • Chicken/curry - In general, and particularly after treatment, chicken or turkey are a fantastic choice.


    It is imperative to avoid foods that can discolour and stain teeth during your teeth whitening course. Maintaining a white diet and using the tooth care regimen advised by medical professionals will yield the best outcomes and long-lasting results.

    Incorporating teeth whitening solutions like those from Bliss Oral Care, into your daily routine will always be one of the best investments you can make to improving the look of your smile and your self confidence.


    Oral Bliss Care is an Australia-based dental care company, committed to providing its customers with high-quality dental hygiene and whitening products to keep their teeth white and healthy everyday.

    Smile brighter with Oral Bliss Care!