Bliss Blog

Role of Fluoride in Oral Health-Bliss Oral Care
Fluoride is an important mineral that plays a crucial role in maintaining oral health. In this section, we will cover the definition of fluoride, natural sources of fluoride and the importance of fluoride in oral health. A. Definition of Fluoride. ...
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How to Keep Your Mouthguard Clean-Bliss Oral Care
Introduction The mouthguard is one of the most common oral appliances used by people across the globe to keep their teeth protected from the damaging effects of grinding and clenching. They're a great way to stop discomfort, and fractures that...
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What Are Teeth Whitening Strips & Are They Safe To Use?-Bliss Oral Care
A person's self-image can be significantly influenced by their teeth. Age-related tooth fading is inevitable, but there are a number of ways that can be used to delay it and improve oral health. In current time, teeth whitening strips are...
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Introduction Millions of us dream of a cheerful bright white smile - a powerful source of confidence and attractiveness. Using one of the most well-liked items known as teeth whitening strips is the simplest way to improve the appearance of...
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Can You Whiten Your Teeth While Wearing Invisalign?-Bliss Oral Care
Invisalign is a popular clear aligner orthodontic device that cosmetically corrects misaligned teeth. In addition to their popularity, Invisalign is also becoming increasingly popular for teeth whitening. Many online users are asking whether teeth can be whitened while wearing Invisalign...
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How to Achieve a Healthy, White Smile-Bliss Oral Care
Over-the-counter, or DIY, teeth whitening products have been accepted by most Australians as viable options to professional teeth whitening. Though do-it-yourself teeth whitening kits are now considered mainstream and normal, there is still confusion as to which teeth whitening products...
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