Bliss Blog

Do Teeth Whitening Kits Actually Work?-Bliss Oral Care
Imagine meeting up with friends or family members for the holidays or a big event.  How amazing would it be to have one of them stop you and say “Your teeth look amazing!  Where did you get them whitened?” It’s...
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Teeth whitening strips. We have all seen them at our local grocery stores, watched advertisements on the television professing their effectiveness, or have had our dentists recommend them - while moving on with our lives, and forgetting to use them. ...
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Professional Teeth Whitening - Is it Worth It?-Bliss Oral Care
Home remedy hacks or DIY methods for teeth whitening are all the rage now.  As they should be.  There are many proven methods in which people are whitening their teeth, avoiding the expensive professional teeth whitening visits to their dentist. ...
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How to Floss Teeth Properly with a Flossing Wand-Bliss Oral Care
Let’s talk about flossing. It is a vital step in establishing good oral hygiene, but is often overlooked and taken lightly. People do not put enough consideration into flossing properly. Only 5% of Australians actually floss daily. Correct flossing takes...
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Dental Hygiene Tips & Hacks-Bliss Oral Care
These last few years - the “pandemic era” - have seen some unusual spikes in trends and DIY (do-it-yourself) hygiene hacks.  At-home dental hygiene hacks are trending, as many people have more time on their hands. Here are some pretty...
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The Easy Way to Whiten Your Teeth-Bliss Oral Care
Whitening today is often seen as an intimidating, expensive, time consuming and painful process. Teeth whitening today is not the same as the intrusive and invasive methods used in the past. Here are 3 easy steps on how to whiten...
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